The app forLevel Up
the companies
customer experiences
corporate social responsibility
operational performance
products and services
E Value it transforms your business challenges into solutions. In 20 minutes. Starting from €32 per month.

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3 simple steps for Level Up

Audit at 360° and simply
Perform strategic audits and operational routines in just a few clicks.
Take photos and integrate documents to enrich your diagnostics.
Identify levers of improvement, attractiveness and performance.
Benefit from suggestions on areas for improvement,
with artificial intelligence .
Use the generated reports, SWOT, radar and scoring to analyze situations.
Reveal the potential of your business.

Operate the levers
Plan, share and track collaborative action plans.
Become the accelerator of excellence initiatives.
Detect, analyze and resolve problems
Digitalize the reporting of any type of problem, by the greatest number of actors.Have tools to facilitate the analysis and effective resolution of problems.
Become the organisation's problem solver.
Plan, share and track collaborative action plans
Plan projects and tasks of any kind, collaborate with your teams in real time, from anywhere in the world.Keep an overview of all tasks, their due dates, and progress.
Engage and align stakeholders in a collaborative and virtuous approach.
Modelize process with artificial intelligence
anticipate risks, products control and Manage assets
Gain efficiency with a complete, integrated and integrable solution